40 texts to make her think about you: Ignite a connection and keep her interested

40 texts to make her think about you

40 texts to make her think about you , Messaging has these days become one of the primary means of communication, especially when trying to win someone’s heart. A great text message can run in someone’s mind all day long. If you have read and understood this, then that’s a great job, because if you want to draw her attention, stir her thoughts, and keep her eagerly awaiting your next message, you’ve come to the right place. Here is a list of 40 creative, sweet, cute, and interesting text ideas that will make her think about you.

Sweet texts to make her smile:.

Many times, all it takes is a sweetly worded message for her to smile at the mere words and warm up her heart. Some ideas on how it may feel special are mentioned below 40 texts to make her think about you:

“Just thought of you and couldn’t stop smiling. Hope you have a great day.”

“You just have that way of brightening up my day, just being you.”

“I don’t know how you do it, but you’re always on my mind.”

“I saw something today that reminded me of you, and it made me smile.”

“Well, I’ve been thinking about when we last hung out, and it’s made me miss you even more.”

“Fair warning: I wanted to let you know how amazing you are – hopefully someone will tell you today!”

“No matter how busy I get, you’re the one thing on my mind.”

“I’m lucky to know a person as kind and true as you.”

“You make my day simply by being in it.”

“Good morning! Just thought you should know I woke up thinking about you.”

Flirty texts to light up chemistry

If you like your little fires lit a little bit and want to add a flirt to your texts, these will surely make her think of you 40 texts to make her think about you :

“I just can’t seem to stop thinking about your smile. How soon can I see it again?”

“Is it just me, or is everything cooler if you’re around?”

“I have confession… you’re on my mind a lot today ????.”

“I’m bored. Wanna have fun with me? ????”

“If I could do my day over again, I’d put Yu and I together.”

“Guess what? I just realized…. I miss you!”

“If only you were here right now, my day would be complete.”

“You + Me = an adventure waiting to happen.”

“I just saw something so cute, but it still doesn’t compare to you.”

“You’re dangerously close to being my favorite person.”

40 texts to make her think about you

Provoking texts so he can think hard

Texts that represent your intellectual side give her a chance to open up and reflect. These texts will have her thinking of you for hours:

“If you could have dinner with anyone, living or not, who would it be and why?”

“Do you believe in fate or do you think we make our own destiny?”

“If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?”

“What’s an experience that changed your life forever?”

“Do you think love is a choice or something that happens?”

“What is something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet?”

“What is the goal you’re working toward that gets you excited?

“What’s one thing you wish more people understood about you?”

“If you could learn to do anything overnight, what would you want to know how to do?”

“What is one thing that keeps you feeling alive forever?”

40 texts to make her think about you , Funny texts that add some humor and banter to your messages can make your conversations so memorable and light-hearted. Try these playful texts for some fun or even thinking about himself:

“Guess what? I bet I’m having a better day than you ????.

Random Thought: Do You Think Pineapple Belongs on Pizza?

On a scale of 1-10, how much do you miss me right now?

You’re lucky I like you, otherwise, you’d just compete ????.

So, if you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?

Truth or Dare: Tell me something you’ve always wanted to say to me!

“Hm, can’t decide between the two…. Sleeping over you + or PJ movie night?”

“If you could exist anywhere in space/time, where would you want to exist?”

“I think we could make a killer team-you, me, and a Netflx marathon.”

“Okay, serious question: Me or you who would win in a fight?”

Writing the perfect response

40 texts to make her think about you, Once you send one of these texts, check the reaction. If he is positive, he will be pretty open and interesting. Just let the conversation flow naturally. Do not freak out if he sends you a short message. He probably is just busy but certainly thinks about your text. Create some heat after some time with nice, flirting, thoughtful, and playful messages to keep them curious and excited to hear from you 40 texts to make her think about you.

Read More: 10 Signs He is Jealous When You Talk to Other Guys

Final Thoughts

40 texts to make her think about you , Texting is an art of presentation where you can express yourselves in so many ways-much like honeyed sweetness, playfulness, or flirting. What you have to do is be authentic in your approach and choose texts that go well with your personality and the kind of relationship you have. These texts, though designed to make her pay attention, should be maintained in balance.


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