Amolatina Success Stories – We’ve had so many, many adventures

Amolatina Success Stories - We’ve had so many, many adventures

“Around November 2019 I joined CC. I was talking regularly with Amolatina Success Stories my mum about how it was going and she encouraged me to wave and chat with several people even just to make some more Christian friends. On December 17th I waved at a guy from Queensland, I had actually been avoiding anyone from Queensland originally as I lived in NSW and didn’t like the thought of moving. A few days later we began chatting and hit it off immediately…

Jordan and Josh on a date – Amolatina Success Stories

Jordan continues, “Within two weeks we had both deleted our CC profiles and were chatting on other platforms. We talked every day and in January 2020 we had Our First Date I drove the three hours south to Sydney and Josh flew to Sydney airport. We went to the zoo and got milkshakes. I tripped and almost spilled it all over him a Amolatina Success Stories  move I was sure was going to destroy any chance of dating. He assured me he was still interested and we made plans to visit each other’s home after March as we were both busy until then.

Two weeks before our first visit borders between us slammed shut. Over the next four months we talked every day on the phone and messages waiting till we’d finally see each other again. The borders opened again in July allowing Josh to make the seven hour drive come visit me and meet my family it was an amazing time and my whole family loved him.

We then arranged for another visit for me to meet his family but not long after Josh went home the borders slammed shut again. We were certain this distance was going to end us but God remained faithful and our love only grew. The borders were then reopened the day before my birthday so Josh visited again and then I made the trip up for Christmas to meet his family.

Amolatina Success Stories - We’ve had so many, many adventuresJordan says yes to Josh’s hot air balloon proposal

We had by this time decided we should move closer and prayed together and God provided me with an apartment and incredible job only 20 minutes from Josh. I moved one year exactly after our first date and we have had so many, many adventures since then including obstacle course races, escape rooms, broken knees and scuba diving and found a church together to call home.

In November 2021 Josh took me up in a hot air balloon and asked me to marry him. I of course said yes and we look forward to planning a wedding when borders reopen so all our family can join in. God has been so faithful to us through this Amolatina Success Stories  Relationship.

Josh: “Well we’re officially married and thought it would be time for a little update. After meeting on Christian Connection in December 2019 living. Interstate from each other we took some time. Until we had our first in person date at the zoo in Sydney. The date went amazing and we had connected so well. We then endure several lock downs and state shut outs. Which meant we were only able to see each other four times during 2020 but through God. We were able to maintain a strong and growing relationship.

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Mr and Mrs!

At the end of 2020 we decide it was time to move closer so Jordan move up from NSW to QLD. During the next year we went on many adventures together and found. A church to call home. In November 2021 in a hot air balloon we got engaged and started planning a wedding for July 2022.

We were truly blessed with how God and all of our loving family. Came together to make our special day that much more amazing and. How everyone help us overcome the difficulties of floods and venue changes in. The week of the wedding. Amolatina Success Stories The day was truly amazing and we thank God. Our family and friends and Christian Connection for everything.

If I had any advice to offer to people on Christian Connection. It is to trust God and His timing, things might go quickly for some and for others it can be a slow process. Amolatina Com People Seek God in all the decisions and pray both separately and together.”

Congratulations Jordan and Josh on your beautiful wedding and first steps in making. A life together! We’re thrilled we could help you connect.

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